Intimate relationship between the musical composition and natural resources Chocó: the case of rivers


  • William Klinger Brahan Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Norberto Rodríguez Padilla Compositor de música folclórica del Chocó, Director y Cantante de Tanguí, Chirimía, Ganador del Primer Festival de Canto y Composición del Chocó en la modalidad de composición.



Chocó, Musical composition, Natural resources, Rivers


In Chocó, the connection between associated cultural elements poetic and musical events, and natural resources is obvious, a review of the songs that emerged in the region, make clear the regulatory function of these in the use of natural resources by the population, the preponderant role in the general knowledge of fauna and regional flora, their role in the consolidation of the ethnic identity of the population and recognition of the environmental services provided by existing resources. In these results of this investigation show the elements that permeate and even cross the relationships between music and biodiversity, and analyze the content in that sense are the works of composers of Chocó, highlighting the underlying songs message, the species described, the function of these species within their creations and its coincidence with the offer of the same given its characteristics and its conservation status and intensity of regional use, approaching the causes of their genetic deterioration when the case. Here the results of an investigation that analyzes the chocoana composition in relation to the rivers are presented, since the Chocó and the Pacific in general given the geographical and hydrographic features live a culture associated with rivers and therefore they would sing with high frequency.

How to Cite

Klinger Brahan, W. ., & Rodríguez Padilla, N. (2013). Intimate relationship between the musical composition and natural resources Chocó: the case of rivers. Journal BioEtnia, 10(1), 82–87.


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