Perception, etymology and use of herpetofauna in a Embera-Dobida community in the Pacific Colombian


  • Luis Eladio Rentería Moreno Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Eric Yair Cuesta Ríos Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Nelsy Sofía Bonilla Urrutia Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Jairo Miguel Guerra Gutierrez Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.



Chocó, Embera, Ethnozoology, Herpetofauna, Indigenous


During October 2010, we characterize the herpetofauna associated to the resguardo El Veintiuno, located at the corregimiento of Tutunendo, Colombian Biogeographic Chocó, considered a global hot-spot of biodiversity; at the same time, the perception, use and the ethimology of herpetofauna was evaluated for the Embera-Dobida people. The etnozoological information was compiled by surveys and interactive dialogue with boys, young man, and adult males (9 to 50 years), because in the analyzed community males know better the local fauna due to their work at the forest. Free samples were implemented, during daylight hours, due to problems of public order at the community. As product of direct field samples we report 17 species of reptiles, being Anolis maculiventris the most abundant. The dialogue with members of the community, allowed the identification of all species registered in direct samples, as well as the addition of 15 more species, for a total of 32 spp; it was possible to determine that many of the assigned names to the species, respond to some ethological attribute of them; furthermore, we identified that the principle category of use of the herpetofauna was feeding, focus on seven species of reptiles, being tortoises the most important element. The community showed a negative perception on snakes, which are sacrifice in prevention.

How to Cite

Rentería Moreno, L. E. ., Cuesta Ríos, E. Y., Bonilla Urrutia, N. S., & Guerra Gutierrez, J. M. . (2013). Perception, etymology and use of herpetofauna in a Embera-Dobida community in the Pacific Colombian. Journal BioEtnia, 10(1), 5–10.


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