Anuros of the gradient altitudinal forest Andean-sub-paramo in a sector of the cliffs of the quote


  • Jimi Moya-Robledo Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Chocó.



Anuran, Farallons of the Citará, Paramo, Subparamo


I evaluate the fauna of anuros that happens in a gradient alti- tudinal of the high Andean forest-Subhigh plateau, the range altitudinal was stipulated between 3.100 and 3.700 msnm; during the study there were established seven stations of sampling, each one separated of previous and following by 100 meters of altitude. The method of sampling was the free search without restrictions, the collected copies were photographed and prepared according to the method of Simmons (1987), the diversities decided alpha and thread in order to establish the wealth specifies of the locality. In addition they were realized dendrogramas of similarity Jaccard to look at the affinity between the species and working stations. The study I throw the record of seven morfospice all the belonging ones to the kind Pristimantis. Besides the confirmation of the refill of species along the gradient altitudinal as well as the occupation of niches tróficos as it increases this one. I emonstrate of equal form that on the stations three and four to 3.300 and 3.400 msnm (where the major wealth was registered it specifies of anuros), exists the particularity that in this transecto of the gradient there conjugate elements of high Andean forest and sub high plateau that eventually there might offer diverse opportunities of habitat and anchorage to support major a major quantity of species.

How to Cite

Moya-Robledo, J. . (2016). Anuros of the gradient altitudinal forest Andean-sub-paramo in a sector of the cliffs of the quote. Journal BioEtnia, 13(1), 6–15.


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