Integral assessment of wetland ecosystem in the Medio Atrato, Chocó. Case ciénaga Grande Beté wetland


  • Lady Vargaz Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Rubén Darío Sepúlveda Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.



Ciénaga Grande de Beté, Comprehensive assessment, Contingent valuation, Willingness to pay.


Increased impacts of human activities on ecosystems, has generated a growing concern about the use and availability of the basis of environmental goods and services, which have become the target valuation of environmental economics. In order fully value the goods and services of the Grande de Beté wetland in the Medio Atrato, Chocó, the contingent valuation methodology was used, from the identification listing of them, the implementation of a survey and econometric analysis data. 36 environmental and cultural goods and services associated with the ecosystem were identified and estimated that on average respondents are willing to pay a $ 23,644.12 for goods and $ 28,977.41 for the case of environmental services. It was found that the willingness to pay is not associated with usage costs of market goods, but the valuation of the wetland presents a more global importance derived from its existence more like a natural resource that is an integral part of their lives, hence the willingness to pay has been increased for services for environmental goods and in turn this has been positive regardless of the state of variables such as income, education, occupation, place of residence and age. The proposal to fully assess the ecosystem goods and services contributes to development decisions to better conform to the environmental reality.

How to Cite

Vargaz, L. ., & Sepúlveda, R. D. (2013). Integral assessment of wetland ecosystem in the Medio Atrato, Chocó. Case ciénaga Grande Beté wetland. Journal BioEtnia, 10(1), 12–22.


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