Evaluation of the physico-chemical quality of the water in Turbo Bay through two temporalities


  • Yirlesa Murillo Hinestroza Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Zoraida Quesada Martínez Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Lady Vargas Porras Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.




Bay, Ecosystems, Physicochemical parameters, Turbo, Water quality


The coastal zones or bays are considered as one of the richest and most productive ecosystems, very fluctuating and characterized mainly by the mixture between sea water and continental waters. In order to evaluate the physicochemical quality of Turbo Bay, in 2013 and 2015, 6 sampling points were selected every 100 meters from the point of intersection between the Waffe channel and the bay. 1 m depth in both flow and reflux. At each point, in situ measurements of physicochemical variables such as temperature, conductivity, dissolved and suspended solids, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, nitrite, sulfate and phosphate were made using a HACH 850 Portable Colorimeter and a YSI Professional Plus Quick 1700 Multiparameter/1725 respectively. In addition, a Wildco 2.2-liter horizontal sampler was used to collect samples at different depths, which were sent to the TUNELAPA ICA laboratory of CORPOURABÁ for the analysis of total and fecal coliforms, total solids, fats and oils. The data provided and the interpretations made allow us to express that in both periods considerable contributions of pollutants were shed, which can restrict the development of the fauna and flora to the interior of the ecosystem, affect the populations surrounding this and the refore the physicochemical quality of the water. Nevertheless, it was in the period of 2013 that a higher contribution of these contaminants was evidenced, which is reflected in the increase of some variables such as fecal and total coliforms, solids, fats and oil, among others.

How to Cite

Murillo Hinestroza, Y. ., Quesada Martínez, Z. ., & Vargas Porras, L. . (2017). Evaluation of the physico-chemical quality of the water in Turbo Bay through two temporalities. Journal BioEtnia, 14(1), 65–79. https://doi.org/10.51641/bioetnia.v14i1.180


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