Floristic inventory of a tropical pluvial forest (bp-T) in the municipality of Tadó, municipality Manungará, Chocó, Colombia


  • Yarleidys Cruz Mosquera Bióloga con énfasis en recursos naturales, Contratista del Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.



Diversity index, Flora of the Chocó Biogeográfico, Floristic composition, Manungará


A floristic inventory was carried out in the corregimiento of Manungará, Tadó, Chocó, Colombia, during 2007, using the methodology used by Gentry (1986) and improved by Galeano (2000); where two subplots d 0.1 h were establi- shed by censoring individuals with DBH> 2.5 cm, obtaining as a result 354 individuals represented in 117 species, 96 genera and 32 families of which five are indeterminate; in the sub plot A 277 in- dividuals were registered, grouped in 71 species, 70 genera and 29 families and in sub plot B there were 77 individuals, 46 species, 41 genera and 24 families. The subplot A reflected much higher values than subplot B according to Shannon di- versity indices (H’=3,961), Margalet (S=12,45), Simpson (DS=0,975). The most abundant families in relation to the number of individuals in both subplots are: Arecaceae 42, Melastomataceae 38, Euphorbiaceae 34, Moraceae 24, Rubiaceae 21, Myristicaceae 20 individuals respectively and families with less abundant were the Ochnaceae 9, Lecytidaceae 8, Olacaceae 3, Meliaceae with 2 individuals respectively. The investigated area presented a basal area of 15,6468 m2/0.1 ha, being the largest diametric contribution of 70 cm for the species Alchorneapsis floribunda (Benth) of the family Euphorbiaceae and the species Couma macrocarpa Bord.rod of the family Apocynaceae.

How to Cite

Cruz Mosquera, Y. . (2017). Floristic inventory of a tropical pluvial forest (bp-T) in the municipality of Tadó, municipality Manungará, Chocó, Colombia. Journal BioEtnia, 14(1), 39–47.


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