Germination and early growth of two species of lulo Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal or topiro and Solanum Heiser pseudolulo Corregimiento natural conditions of Troje, Chocó


  • Haidyn Luis Moreno Mosquera Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia.



Chocó, Colombia, Germination percentage, Germination vigor, Initial growth Solanum


Species of the genus Solanum, represent a geat productive potential and economic partner in the departament of Chocó, Colombia. However there is little information about these, being the purpose of this research, evaluate germination and early growth of two species of lulo (Solanum sessiliflorum or topiro and Solanum pseudolulo Heiser). To this end, it implemented a Latin square design where three treatments with the same number of repetitions sand T1 (control), T2 chicken manure + sand ratio (2-1) and T3 earth ant + sand ratio (2-1) were tested. In the experiment no statistically significant difference was found in relation to the percentage of germination among species (p> 0.44) and treatments (p> 0.061). The average germination time varied from 6 to 12 days. The initial growth of seedlings reported similar height of individuals for the two species however greater height was observed in T3 and T2 with 16 and 17 cm respectively, unlike T1 in which the lowest growth was obtained 9 cm. In the phytosanitary aspect, 11% affected seedling grade mild to moderate incidence caused by larvae of the genus Spodoctera reported. In conclusion, we see that although the seeds of the two species examined may germinate well in the three substrates, the development of new seedling is faster in treatments enriched with nutrients (T2 and T3) in which the plants achieved greater height and number of sheets.

How to Cite

Moreno Mosquera, H. L. . (2015). Germination and early growth of two species of lulo Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal or topiro and Solanum Heiser pseudolulo Corregimiento natural conditions of Troje, Chocó. Journal BioEtnia, 12(1), 60–68.


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