Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of two samples of palm chonta in the municipality of Tadó, Chocó, Colombia


  • Jovanny Mosquera-Pino Investigador Asociado II, Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia.



Chonta, Density, Hardness, Mechanical properties, Palm, Physical properties, Wood


This study we present the results obtained in the trials of the physical and mechanical properties of the palma mete Wettinia quinaria (m1) and palma barrigona Iriartea deltoidea (m2) stipe segments in the year 2015 in the municipality of Tadó, Chocó. The physical and mechanical tests were carried out based on the methodology stipulated in the American Standard ASTM D 143-2000. Bending test method for small specimens and the Colombian Technical Standards NTC, being these contents of humidity, contraction and density for the physical test and static flexion and parallel understanding for the mechanical test. The results showed that the density was 1.34 g/cm3 for the sample one (m1) and 1.36 g/cm3 for the sample two (m2), the two palms being classified as very heavy. The ropture modulus was 1640.3 kg/cm2 and 1547.22 kg/cm2 which classifies them as high bending, both samples having a very low hardness below 200 kg of understanding of the sides. The present study intends to provide the necessary elements to know the physical behavior and resistance levels in the Palma Meme and Palma Barrigona wood, as a contribution to the technological knowledge of the palm species traditionally used by the black communities of Alto San Juan.

How to Cite

Mosquera-Pino, J. . (2016). Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of two samples of palm chonta in the municipality of Tadó, Chocó, Colombia. Journal BioEtnia, 13(1), 69–77.


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