Integrate assessment of mangrove forest in the Municipality of San Andrés de Tumaco, Nariño, Colombia


  • Zulmary Valoyes Cardozo Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Carlos Moreno Díaz Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.
  • Catalina Sosa Botero Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP), Quibdó, Colombia.



Economic valuation, umaco’s swamps, Willingness to pay


Having in it counts the importance of the swamps of the Colombian Pacífico, for his high productivity and for his provision of goods and services, the availability was estimated to paying of the rural population of Tumaco’s municipality; for it 157 surveys were realized. The willingness to pay (WTP) was calculated across the method of valuation fix quotas. The results of this study, they allowed to affirm that 99 % of the polled persons affirms to know or to have crossed the ecosystem of swamp, 92 % of the polled ones thinks that these ecosystems are threatened; it is for it that 85 % of the polled ones agrees in giving a voluntary contribution in money to preserve this natural ecosystem. Besides it in case of not reaching in money, the polled inhabitants would be ready to dedicate a few working hours a month or to change his cultural habits in favor of the maintenance of the services ecosistémicos that gives the ecosystem, on the other hand not even the sex, not even the age they influence the availability to paying for the maintenance of the swamps, since the population in general understands the importance that has the ecosystem as for productivity and services of provision.

How to Cite

Valoyes Cardozo, Z., Moreno Díaz, C. ., & Sosa Botero, C. . (2014). Integrate assessment of mangrove forest in the Municipality of San Andrés de Tumaco, Nariño, Colombia. Journal BioEtnia, 11(1), 25–36.


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