Evaluation of two tomato varieties: Chonto Santa Cruz and Río Grande (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using techniques of urban agriculture in the municipality of Istmina, Chocó, Colombia


  • Mirla Perea Murillo




Factorial design, Food security, Macronutrient, Micronutrient, Nutrient solution


Agronomic performance of two varieties of tomato (Chonto Santa Cruz and Río Grande) by urban agriculture techniques (bed and chorizo) was assessed, using water hydration levels and nutrient solution composed of macro and micronutrients. The research was conducted with the purpose of generating a technology package easily adopted by communities and help improve the food security and sovereignty of families. For this investigation 12 beds and 12 sausages were used; variables were analyzed from the effect of three factors: planting system, variety and type of settlement on the quantitative variable production. As a result, it was found that the Río Grande variety grown in the bed planting system, add nutrient solution yielded better with production of tomatoes 134 kg corresponding to 16.76 unlike Chonto Santa Cruz, its production was 78 tomatoes corresponding to 1.7 kg, using the same planting system and nutrient solution. All this considering the current trend to develop production mechanisms that are friendly to the environment, in an area degraded by mining as the San Juan soils and little choice to consume fresh vegetables, this work becomes an alternative for agricultural communities (single mothers, displaced children, farmers, etc.).

How to Cite

Perea Murillo, M. (2013). Evaluation of two tomato varieties: Chonto Santa Cruz and Río Grande (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using techniques of urban agriculture in the municipality of Istmina, Chocó, Colombia. Journal BioEtnia, 10(1), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.51641/bioetnia.v10i1.125


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